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If You Go Down To The Woods....

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  • January 26, 2020

IPS Company Walk

wild women adventures


On Saturday 25th January the IPS walking group (depleted due to illness) took themselves to up to beautiful northumberland and Kielder Reservior for the first company walk of 2020.

Organised by Tony Welsh, we started just after 10am from the the visitor center at Leaplish taking the waterside way, (he did promise a bite to eat at the Boat Inn - unfortunately it was closed for the day).  Never mind we had mulled wine and flapjack to look forward to on our 7 mile journey.

Our walks were started to allow us to get together outside of work - to get some fresh air, exercise and to have some good criac!  Every one to date has been a bit of an adventure and this one did not disappoint as we met up with a group of ladies who were wondering around in dressing gowns!!  This group were doing a photo shoot for charity - and yes it was a naked one.

Now, not one's to miss an opportunity, we asked for a photograph and they kindly obliged - Kit on though!! (Phew, I hear you say).  We wanted to share the details of the Wild Women Adventure Group so that you could see the results of their big reveal and support their charitiable efforts - well done ladies!

We finished the walk and had a well earned bite to eat at The Black Cock Inn in Falstone

Well, We went down to the woods today and certainly got a surprise!

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