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Paul Henderson

  • February 1, 2022
Paul Henderson

Paul Henderson

Sales & Marketing Manager

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I lead the external sales and marketing team at IPS, focusing on the co-ordination and delivery of account management and business development plans across UK & Ireland.

Industry Experience

24 years’ experience with a background as a potable and wastewater contractor working in business development, asset management, robotics & innovation.

Specialisms / Work Interests

My background / specialism is the UK, European and US water sector and includes time spent on treatment and distribution assets.

I am passionate about delivering excellent customer service by understanding our clients’ needs and through driving process improvements. 

Work Based Superpower

I love to learn new things and connect people, never happier than getting to know someone new.

I volunteer for the Institute of Water, Pipeline Industries Guild and United Kingdom Society for Trenchless Technology and use these links to support knowledge sharing and cross sector collaboration.

Outside Of Work

Married with 2 older sons and 2 very needy cats, I enjoy being active and getting outdoors.

I love paddleboarding, golf, cycling, running, 5 a side football, snowboarding, hiking / wild camping and getting away in my campervan.

Always up for a challenge, I am currently training for the Great North Run and have recently accepted an invitation to take part in my first motorsport event as navigator in the Clee Hills Trial.

Paul Henderson Running
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